CTE Dual Credit

College credit with a career purpose!

Is CTE Dual Credit for me?

Are you interested in exploring a hands-on career path while completing your high school degree? If so, Career Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit is for you! Earn FREE credits toward industry credential and/or a college degree while you are still attending high school in CBC's CTE Dual Credit program.

Benefits of CTE Dual Credit

  • Save time and tuition by earning college credit and high school credit at the same time.
  • Gain valuable hands-on experience and career exploration opportunities.
  • Get a head start on industry credential and/or a college degree.

Students working on a car

CTE Dual Credit Courses by High School

CTE Dual Credit courses are subject to change. Contact your high school counselor or career specialist to confirm which classes in your school are eligible.

Chiawana High School
Columbia High School
Connell High School
Delta Stem High School
Hanford High School
Kamiakin High School
Kennewick High School
Kiona-Benton High School
Legacy High School
New Horizons High School
Pasco High School
Prosser High School
Richland High School
River's Edge High School
River View High School
Southridge High School
Tri-Tech Skills Center

Information for Students

Am I eligible for CTE Dual Credit?

If you're in the ninth to twelfth grade and enrolled in a high school CTE class, you may be eligible. Check with your high school to see if your class is approved. If you maintain an 85% or better each term you are enrolled in the approved high school class and meet the registration deadlines, you will be eligible to earn college credit.

Which of my high school classes offer CTE Dual Credit?

Your high school handbook of course offerings should list the classes that are eligible for CTE Dual Credit and the college credits they count towards. We also encourage you to contact your high school teachers, counselors and advisors to discuss eligible classes.

View CTE Dual Credit Courses by High School

How do I register?

Contact your high school CTE class teacher to find out when you can register. They will assist you in registering using the online Student Enrollment Reporting System (SERS). Next, watch the video below to discover how to enroll today!

How many college credits can I earn through CTE Dual Credit?

There is no limit to the amount of CTE Dual Credit you can obtain while in high school. However, it can sometimes impact your financial aid eligibility. Please work closely with your High School Counselor to determine the appropriate amount of credits.

Do my CTE Dual Credits transfer to other colleges?

CTE Dual Credit will transfer to all other Washington state community colleges. The transferability of your CTE college credits to four-year colleges is dependent upon the college you plan to attend.

Can you remove CTE dual Credit from your transcript?

Once you register and grades are awarded, you will have an official transcript at CBC and all student policies for transcription apply. Your grades and credit earned become your permanent record and cannot be removed.

Where do I see my credits?

You can log into the Student Enrollment Reporting Systems (SERS) website to view the status of credit progress. You will also be able to see your credits on your CBC transcript.

How will be classes be graded?

CBC's CTE Dual Credit grading scale is listed here.

Percentage Grade Points Letter Grade
98 to 100% 4.0 A
96 to 97% 3.9 A
95% 3.8 A
94% 3.7 A-
92 to 93% 3.6 A-
91% 3.5 A-
89 to 90% 3.4 B+
88% 3.3 B+
87% 3.2 B+
86% 3.1 B
85% 3.0 B
Below 85% None None

What if the grade on my transcript isn't the same as my high school diploma?

Because the various local high schools grading systems vary, they may not always align with the grading system at CBC. Students who earn a 97% (an A or 4.0) at their high school will have their class transcribed at the college as a 3.9 grade point average. Check out CBC's CTE Dual Credit grading scale in the FAQ above. If you find your high school inaccurately recorded your grade, please contact CBC's Director of CTE Dual Credit to request a Grade Change Form.

How do I get my SERS Identification number?

Once you create a profile account in the CTE Dual Credit SERS system, you will receive a student identification number beginning with a TP in a format of TP#-##-###. By using your CTE Dual Credit ID, your login and/or password, you will be able to access your account to check the status of articulations, change teachers, or make updates to your profile.

How do I get my CBC Student ID number?

At the end of the academic year you earn CTE dual credit, a CBC student identification number will be assigned to you. This unique CBC SID will be sent to you in a congratulatory letter and will give you access to your college transcript and other future campus activities.

Information for High School Teachers

How do I request articulation with my high school class?

Consideration begins once CBC has received your High School Request to Articulate form.

  • Complete the form with all supporting documentation included. A copy of the form should be submitted to the School District CTE Director as their signature will be needed on the form.

  • Upon review, CBC faculty may approve an articulation, request additional information or a face-to-face meeting, or deny a request. The  CBC Director of CTE Dual Credit will facilitate the next course of action based on the faculty's determination.

  • Once an articulation request is approved, the appropriate secondary and postsecondary partners will sign final documentation in support of the agreement.

  • If the articulation is not currently available within the local consortium, the CBC Director for CTE Dual Credit will recommend appropriate alternatives with other consortia where best match of competencies exist, keeping in mind the closest proximity possible.

What forms do I need to complete?

Are you looking to request articulation? Complete the High School Request to Articulate form.

Be sure to provide:

  • Class syllabus (with evidence of the required dual credit notice included)
  • List of specific competencies
  • Assessment criteria
  • Program of study form, and
  • OSPI Frameworks for the course.

Has your class been approved to teach CTE Dual Credit and you need to sign the assurance? Complete the Annual Teacher Assurance form ensuring alignment of curriculum and understanding of responsibilities, expectations and deadlines.

How/when do I renew my current CTE Dual Credit articulation?

Program articulation agreements are regularly reviewed and updated by college faculty, the CTE directors and/or high school teachers on a predetermined schedule, not to exceed a three-year rotation, or as deemed necessary due to changes in the college course content, structure or faculty.

How do I access the SERS website to register students?

The Student Enrollment Reporting System (SERS) is managed by the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) and is the official database used for CTE Dual Credit registration. Once CBC approves your class for CTE Dual Credit, you will receive an email with account set up and log in information.

To Log In to SERS:

  • From the SERS home page, click on Teacher Log In.
  • Log in using the User Name and Password provided to you by the CTE Dual Credit staff or sent to you by email from the SERS database.
    • If you don't have or have forgotten your login information enter your email in the Forgot Your Log In Information field and click the Submit button. The information will be sent to the email address in your User Profile. Note that your user name is generated by SERS and cannot be changed; however you can change your password at any time.
  • Once you are logged in, you'll see a navigation menu on your left which lists the SERS functions available to you.

How do I report student grades in SERS?

  • Once logged in to SERS, simply click on the Assignments tab and choose the Class Roster/Assign Grades option. You can click on the class name for which you wish to report grades and assign the appropriate Grade or Class Status for your student.
  • By default, the system will list the students in your class that have not been awarded a grade to-date. To view all students, be sure to click the check box next to "Include Graded Students" in the upper white box at the top of the page.
  • In the Class Roster window, there is important information to note:
    • In the first column of the table, there are small paper icons next to each student's name. If you hover the mouse over the icon, you can see any comments regarding that particular student. To add comments, click on the page icon and the Edit Comments box will appear. Be sure to save your comments. Only CTE Dual credit staff and teachers will have access to view these comments.
    • By default, the Student Grade column will display "- - - " and the Student Class Status column will show an "In Progress" status once a student has registered for your class. Once you enter a grade for a student however, you'll see the class status automatically change to "Completed".
    • The Fees/Req column reflects whether the student has assigned and submitted their registration form by the date required. If the status is "Processed", then the student's signed registration form was received by the deadline. If the status is "Pending", then the student's signed registration form has not yet been received.
    • To begin recording student grades, select the appropriate grade from the drop down list. It is important to select "Not Attained" for any student who earns less than 85% in the class. Do NOT select "Below 85".
  • If you do not have a grade for a student listed in your roster, leave the Grade column alone and change the Student Class Status to either "Dropped" or "Not in Class".
  • When you are done entering student grades or changing their class status, be sure to click on Save Changes button in the top left navigation bar. Grades and class status changes will not be saved and recorded until the Save Changes button is clicked!

How do I search for existing articulations?

  •  From the SERS home page, click on Search Articulations.
    • From here, you can use the default settings to search all articulations in your consortium.
    • You can narrow your search by selecting a School District, High School, College or Career Cluster.
  • Click the "Go Search!" button and the results will appear below the search form.
    • You can sort by clicking on the column you wish to sort by.
    • To view an articulation's details, click on Details for that articulation. To hide the details again, click on Close.

Viewing a student's profile

Teachers are often asked by returning CTE Dual Credit students for their login information as they've either misplaced it or don't recall it from previous years. As a teacher, you can access a student's profile to provide login information.

  • From the SERS Home Page, click on Search For Students. To search for students within your consortium only, leave the Search Statewide checkbox unchecked. If you cannot find a student within your consortium, try checking the box and searching statewide.
  • To narrow search results, enter information in one or more fields. The search tool has a wild card function so if you are unsure of a spelling, you can just enter the first few letters (i.e. "Clark" will show "Clark" and "Clarkston").
  • Click the "Go Search!" button and your results will appear in a table below the search form.
    5. Once you've verified SERS has found your student inquiry, (confirm DOB or current grade) click on View to see the student's profile.
  • Once a teacher has searched for a student and has opened his/her profile to view it, the teacher can also see a student's registration history.
  • The Status column of the registration history will show whether a student has "Completed" the course for CTE Dual Credit or if their attempt was "Not Attained". For more information about the grade a student may have earned, the teacher can click on the Details link of a particular articulation. The high school grades will be provided as well as the list of college credits earned.
